
Can every one of us be really sure that is not monitored when reading this sentence? Are we aware of how many servers are able to download our personal data whenever we stay on-line? Is it possible that our personal files have been already created for government purposes? Who could possibly read them? Can we trust to our “private” space on Facebook? Who are those people behind the White/Blue curtains?

Welcome to UNYP Media & Society Blog focusing our data privacy in modern cybernetic world. These highly monitored web pages will take you through one of the most important media issue of today and tomorrow as well – Cybernetic privacy and Personal freedom. With following arguments, we will try to undermine your confidence in those “safe places” we generally use for saving our personal data on network. We will point out the modern methods of personnel marketing used by companies that ask you for your e-mail without any need to communicate with you. We should know that the value of all personal information that we reveals on the Internet is for marketing companies enormous. Breadth of possibilities how can be used or abused is even bigger.

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